The elderly may experience depression differently than their younger counterparts. Sometimes, it is not just the signs of sadness that must be taken note of.
An older adult receiving home care services, for instance, may not feel sad but may experience a lack of motivation and blame it on age. This makes it more difficult for their loved ones—and themselves—to recognize that they have depression.
As a provider of mental health counseling in Dorchester, Massachusetts, we want to help family members of older adults learn how to identify the symptoms of this condition. Hence, we have enumerated the following signs:
- The Common Symptoms
Essentially, one key signal of a critical depressive episode is as a period of at least 2 weeks when the individual either experiences a depressed mood almost every day or a loss of pleasure in most activities.
The most common symptoms that seniors with depression have include feeling helpless, difficulty sleeping, weight changes, and withdrawal from social activities.
- Medication and Depression
Certain medications are connected to depression in the elderly. These medications include anti-anxiety medications, cardiovascular drugs, and anti-inflammatory agents, among others.
- Medical Conditions and Depression
Medical issues, including chronic health conditions, can prompt or aggravate the symptoms of depression. This is especially the case with excruciating, debilitating, or life-threatening medical conditions such as stroke, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.
Should your senior loved one be experiencing the symptoms of depression, we at Priority Professional Care are here to provide them with the support they need. Kindly contact us to learn about our mental health and adult foster care services in Massachusetts.